Personal Presentation Looking Good
Personal presentation invariably means looking good and presentable and
making a very favorable impression on people around you. Your attitude is conveyed
by your behavior. You have to flaunt it in the right measure in order to create a
positive rapport with your interviewer. Remember first impression is most important
and everlasting.
Hair Clean and well-groomed hair is what everyone looks for, no matter what
field of activity you enter. It will not help you if you look scruffy. Wild styles and gaudy
colours should also be voided. An interview is not an occasion to assert your fashion
statement or freedom mantra. Keep your hair short (boys)/ well-tied (girls), it will give
you smart look/ young appearance.
It is of vital importance that the hairstyle you adopt should not be so that it
blocks your eyes. It gives the impression that you are trying to conceal yourself
behind it. It is very important to have a good visual contact with your interviewer. It is
also important to make sure that it is controlled. Moreover, you should not adopt a
style which needs constant readjustment. It will not only irritate the interviewer but
also divert your own attention and break your concentration.
Beards and Moustaches Rampant facial hair imparts a shabby appearance
and triggers a negative impression. In order to stop it from happening, beards and
moustaches should be well-trimmed and kept short. A droopy moustache gives the
appearance of being gloomy. Hence this should be avoided. A well shaven face is
what everyone takes an instant liking for. So, take the trouble of shaving.
Spectacles: Spectacles affect your appearance a lot. Clean, properly
adjusted spectacles are always a good option. Do not put on a pair of broken
spectacles repaired with a piece of cello tape or fuse wire.
Sunglasses and lenses are not to be worn while appearing for an interview.
As with your hair, anything which prevents eye-to-eye contact with your interviewer
should be avoided.
Teeth and Mouth It is equally important that you maintain a proper oral
hygiene with regular dental checks. Remnants of meals should not be visible
between your teeth. Daily brushing will ensure clean and white teeth enhancing your
smile. Don’t let bad breath ruin your chances either. Items of food like onion and
garlic must be voided for at least 24 hours before your interview, also use an
effective mouthwash.
Make-up: Until and unless your prospective job requires a wildly extrovert
appearance, do not go for over-bright lipsticks and heavy eye make up. Remind
yourself that you are going for an interview and not a party. What looks beautiful in a
disco or wedding can seem garish or even ghoulish in an interview setting which is
more somber in nature. Use very light make up, if at all you decide to use it.
Hands: Dirty or broken finger nails will give a wrong impression about you to
the interviewer. Take the help of hand cleansers, nail filers, cutters, nails brush etc to
work wonders for your nails. Ragged, sharp-edged or blunt edged nails are all to be
avoided. Please ensure your hands are clean and not sweating. Offer your hand for
handshakes only if the interview officer extends his hand.
Clothes Choose clothes that are neat, tidy, clean and well-fitting. Fabric that
you wear should not crease and should feel soft. Suits for men and women are
nowadays the most preferred dress code for most of the interviews. If you fail to
flaunt a suit, choose smart casual clothes which you would wear to other formal
occasions. Jeans teemed with a T-shirt are not covered in this category.
Clothes are a great confidence booster. Choose clothes that enhance your
image in the eyes of others. Keep in mind the colour that suit you best. Also take into
account the different reasons and their effects on your skin tone. Always, use light
colours and be dressed in formal clothes.
Shoes Clean and well-maintained shoes complement the rest of your outfit. In
case you bought a new pair for the interviewer, wear them around the house
beforehand. If your feet are hurting, you will not be able to concentrate on your work.
Black or brown shoes generally go well with any outfit. Do not wear sports shoes for
your interview.
Outside Weather Wear In order to keep yourself warm and dry you will need
a coat or mackintosh and umbrella. You should not present yourself in a shivering of
drenched condition. Make sure that your outside weather wear are as immaculately
clean as your outfit. Preferably they should be crease resistant as well.
Turning Round The view from behind may also signal worry. You need to
look as good from the back as you do from the front. You can tryout yourself in a fulllength mirror.
All sorts of things can negatively affect personal appearance
(a) Labels sticking up at the collar
(b) Scuffed heels
(c) Twisted belts
(d) Dropped or uneven hems
(e) Loose threads form hems
(f) An untidy hairline or a stray strand of hair sticking out.
Dealing with Visible Accessories Handbags – your handbag must not be
very big, all-purpose type of bag. It conveys that you are not organised enough to
restrict your necessities to the utmost essential. However, no handbag to be carried
for interview at SSB.
Watches and Mobile Phones Do not let your interviewer get interrupted by
either a digital watch beeping or the ringing tones of your mobile playing. All
electronic equipment should be switched off the moment you enter the interview
room. Turning off your mobile also signifies that you are careful about not disturbing
the concentration of other interviewees as well. No mobile phones are permitted in
SSB interview.
Handkerchiefs You may be undergoing the throes of a cold or coping with
regular sniffles or sneezes, so you need a clean handkerchief made of soft fabric to
tackle them. Paper tissues can serve as an excellent substitute but they are apt to
reduce themselves to messy shreds of a crumpled ball after use.
Dealing with Invisible Accessories
Perfume and Aftershave As with jewellery, these items of personal
appearance are also to be kept to minimum. Scent should not be overpowering – it
can also trigger an allergic reaction in the other persons present in the room.
Sometimes, instead of spreading alluring smell, it can, combined with perspiration,
deteriorate into an unpleasantly stale odour. As far possible try to avoid using
Hairspray should preferably be non-perfumed, especially so if you
are already using a scented product. Aromas of dual nature can be nauseating as an
over-abundance of one.
Body Odour It is the worst thing to have. Daily showers and use of a nonperfumed deodorant can dispel the doom. Shaving of underarms also helps to fight
body odours